Ubuntu container with docker on mac
Ubuntu container with docker on mac

ubuntu container with docker on mac

I've found some used 16 inch macbooks from 2019 with the i9 and 32gb ram 1TB SSD for around $1900. But these new M1 models looks like they deliver a compelling option to just shell out more money. I have always been one to buy a used macbook from a couple models ago on ebay to save some cash. On a given day, I could be doing anything from dockerized backend microservices to front end IOS/Android and lately my laptop feels abysmally slow especially when connected to two 1440p monitors. I use docker regularly for personal full stack projects. It has a quad core i5, 16GB ram, 256GB SSD. Docker Hub also makes it easy to identify and share repositories that provide multi-platform images. In the next couple of months I am looking to upgrade from my 2018 13 inch MPB. The new Docker Desktop for Apple Silicon is no exception you can build and run images for both x86 and ARM architectures without having to set up a complex cross-compilation development environment.

ubuntu container with docker on mac

In case of any issues you can examine service logs. We’ll use -p 8081:80 when running docker container to make its port 80 available on host port 8081. The steps are mostly same for both environments. We’ll cover docker running on Mac and Ubuntu Linux for the purpose of this tutorial. I created an account because you seem the perfect person to ask this question seeing as how you are an active docker user and have experience with both the 2019 16 inch MBP and the new M1 models. You can detach from session terminal with Ctrl-p Ctrl-q - the container will keep running in the background. Docker can be used to install nginx and php5 (php-mpm) in a ubuntu container.

Ubuntu container with docker on mac